About Bangladesh Nurses Association
History of Bangladesh Nurses Association
To promote and maintain the highest possible standard of Nursing service for the well-being of the citizens of Bangladesh unrestricted by conditions of race, creed, color, politics, or social status. To promote legislation concerning nursing practice, nursing education, the social and economic welfare of nurses, or any related matters.

To promote the professional interest of all categories of Nurses, Midwives, and health visitors in Bangladesh

Fostering high standards of nursing practice; Promoting a safe and ethical work environment; Bolstering the health and wellness of nurses

To publish journals/periodicals/magazines providing updated information on current developments in the field of nursing education and services

To devise ways and means which may be conducted to promote and develop the nursing profession as a whole through representation with the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council/the Government/other national or international organizations
There shall be 3 categories of members- Full members, Honorary members, and Associate members.

Full/Voting Members: All professional nurses registered with Bangladesh Nursing Council, after observing the formalities of the Association. The application shall be made through the website www.bna.org.bd or on a prescribed form Provided by the Association. Every applicant shall pay an admission fee as stipulated by the Association. Any full member who pays a lump-sum amount as stipulated by the Association shall be a life member.

Associate Members: Community Health Visitors, Midwives, FWV, Community Paramedics registered with the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council, and student Nurses enrolled in recognized colleges/institutes of midwifery, and public health may become associate members.

Honorary Members: Any person with a distinguished contribution may be conferred membership by majority vote.
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